Saturday 24 January, 1942

The Secret of the Cave

Exactly how Avi got past the giant sabertooth rabbit and back to the hatch is a matter that remains up for debate between the people Avi eventually tells this story to. Some choose to believe Avi fought it nail and giant tooth, others choose to believe she simply ran. Others still choose to believe she climbed over it.

Avi herself has only rarely weighed in on the question, typically insisting that people would not believe her, or that she does not remember. When people point out that those two positions contradict each other, Avi will change the subject, or create a distraction.

And when people point out that the story as told could only possibly have taken about five to ten minutes in real time, but Avi also says she was approximately three hours late to work that day, Avi is self-aware enough about her faults not to point out that she was so annoyed that she waited at the hatch for several hours, only for nobody to ever come out of it.