is an old-school comic for the modern era.
This version of Aquila the Last Eagle and its website have been archived!
No new comics will ever appear here!
With the exception of this notice, written September 16, 2024, and some minor quality-of-life fixes, the site you're looking at now has been left entirely untouched from when it was presented as my graduation project at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
Aquila the Last Eagle was my attempt to insert my own work into 80 years of comics history. It turns out 80 years of comics are hard to draw in a single year of school, so though I do a lot of work on the foundation, I never get around to doing much more than roughly sketching out what comes after. The work is preserved here for historical and academic purposes.
Two years after I graduated with this project, Aquila the Last Eagle next appeared in ANNIE FOREVER. That version of Aquila the Last Eagle continues to appear in all-new stories -- which you can find by returning to the AVI & AQUILA site!
For a continuation of the 1942 comics from this site, that ignores everything that comes after those here but connects to the new continuity, please check out the Aquila the Last Eagle Restoration Project.
Because I know somebody will ask.
Think of this archived version of Aquila the Last Eagle as the Earth-Zero to AVI & AQUILA and the Restoration Project's continuity's Earth-One. Ideas from here may be reused, contradicted, or ignored, and in the future, some connection back here might be made -- but Earth-Zero itself is and will remain a finished, closed project.