
Consider, if you will, what discrepancies might exist between the original Green Knight story, my interpretation of it, Aquila's interpretation of it, and how she's now telling it to Avi. There are layers here that you don't have to think about, but that can not, in the long run hurt to keep in mind.

Text summary: (click to open)

"This is a code of honour thing, right?" Aquila inquires, with some concern on her face.
"..." the Green Knight responds with only silence.
"The idea is, if I'm an honourable warrior, I take the challenge," Aquila works out out loud. "And taking the challenge means taking it seriously, as a fight. So I'd have to, because honour, deliver a real, serious blow. But that puts me in a pickle, because then a year from now you get to return it, free of charge. So that means my best bet is to deliver a blow that you could never return. By killing you." Sitting down and smiling, Aquila concludes, "But I bet you've thought of that."
The Green Knight only smiles, darkly.