
Do not adjust your television set. Unlike Aquila and the Green Knight, the next story isn't quite done cooking yet, so for the next few weeks I'm running a few standalone pages from AQUILA THE LAST EAGLE history.

Text summary: (click to open)

A figure with long grey hair examines Aquila's business card, and inquires, "A-Q-U-I-L-A. How is that pronounced?"

A kind-looking man with a bushy brown beard pronounces it "Ah-keel-ah."

A woman with big bushy hair wearing red glasses pronounces it "Aki-la."

The Triumvirate pronounce it "Aquila." "Aquila." "Aquila."

An intense-looking man with red eyes and a purple robot jaw pronounces it, or at least attempts to pronounce it, with a grunting noise.

A skinny girl with big, wild red hair doesn't pronounce it, but declares "Eagle girl!"

An intense-looking little guy wearing some kind of martial arts outfit pronounces it "Ah-kill-a."

A cat in a cat tower pronounces it "Meow!"

A shadowy figure in a robe only asks "Who?"

To the figure with the long grey hair, Aquila responds, "Many different ways."
