
The mad scientist and the scientifically-unlikely complex space-time event do not get on.
These ran, I think, in an album series collecting fan-favourite stories to illuminate character dynamics that might be opaque to new readers.

Text summary: (click to open)

Avi in: Play nice.

"Alright," Avi says, heading upstairs to Het Archief, "I'll be right back. Aquila, Robin, you two play nice.
Aquila and Robin consider this, and immediately launch into attacks -- "What did you say your doctorate was in again?" "You know it's actually biologically impossible for you to be 3000 years old."
Before this can go any further, from the top of the stairs, "I SAID PLAY NICE!!"
"Sorry, sorry," acquiesces Aquila.
"Augh," startles Robin, "Yes boss! Sorry boss!"
