
I'm sure that's fine.

Text summary: (click to open)
  • Avi kneels amongst the bushes and continues speaking to camera as he walks amongst them.
  • AVI
  • This side of Nox Islia is covered almost entirely in trees and bushes. These trees are and always will be here for all of us, to provide things like shade, space, and sustenance. That's right, many of these trees grow fruit, all of which is edible, as are the mushrooms--
  • (interrupting her)
  • Some of the mushrooms... might be poison, actually.
  • A disgruntled Avi takes Aquila to the side to discuss the previous statement.
  • AVI
  • What?
  • I've been growing them. We're running low on poisons.
  • AVI
  • The rule about the mushrooms--
  • I did file notice with the Mayor, and they haven't sprouted yet. But by the time anyone sees this, I would avoid--
  • The shot resets to Avi amongst the bushes again. Slightly more disgruntled, he once again speaks to the camera. The camera bleeps.
  • Take two!
  • AVI
  • Do not eat anything you find in the forest until further notice!